

Colorado Vehicle Tracking Pad Detail

The Rocky Mountains which pass through Colorado provides a safe haven for wildlife and storage of freshwater in lakes and glaciers. Throughout the year the Colorado snowpack provides fresh water to local residents and nearby states. Preserving the quality of this precious water source is a critical responsibility of all residents and government bodies in the state.

Colorado NPDES Stormwater Permits

In Colorado the Department of Public Health & Environment administers the Clean Water Act (CWA) and issues NPDES Stormwater permits to contractors and MS4s. Resources are available to contractors and engineers to develop Stormwater Management Plans and Best Management Practices (BMPs) to include with their permit application. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) provides an approved product list, and the Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide to inform projects about techniques that have been tried and tested.

CDOT Construction Entrance Detail

The Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide - Chapter 5 includes design and installation criteria for both aggregate-based and pre-fabricated Vehicle Tracking Control (VTC) systems. Aggregate based tracking pads dimensions are a minimum of 12 feet wide and 70 feet long which are excavated at least 6 inches. The excavated area is lined with a class 2 geotextile fabric and covered with 6 inches of aggregate. Pre-fabricated Vehicle tracking pads must be at least 12 feet wide and 35 feet long and are to be installed according to manufacturer specifications.

FODS Pre-Fabricated Trackout Control Mats

FODS construction entrance mats remove more sediment than traditional tracking systems, so it is important to understand how many mats to use for your constrution entrance. On CDOT specifications, the standard layout is a 1x5T which provides 35’ of travel or roughtly four tire rotations. The CDOT recommends this layout as a replacement for a 70’ traditional vehicle tracking control system.

The pre-fabricated FODS trackout control mats can be installed without excavation and over a variety of substrates. Maintenance is needed after sediment builds up to 2.5" between the pyramids. Instead of refreshing with additional rock, the system can be restored by cleaning with a street sweeper or FODS shovel.

FODS Pre-Approved For Use By Colorado DOT

The FODS Trackout Control System has been pre-approved by the Colorado DOT for use on project throughout the state. FODS is listed in Chapter 5 CDOT Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide. FODS are recommended to be installed in a 5 mat configuration which provides 35’ of length. This configuration is the recommended alternative to a 70’ length traditional aggregate construction entrance.

The rockless construction entrance provides both an effective and safer Vehicle Tracking Control (VTP) then traditional rock methods which reduces risk of rocks entering the active highway lanes. In addition, the FODS reusable construction entrance can be relocated during each phase of the project to reduce costs on each deployment.

CDOT Vehicle Tracking Pad Construction Entrance Detail - Source: CDOT Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide

Reusable Construction Entrances on Projects

This system has been used throughout the state on various highway projects including the Central 70 Project, I-25 South Gap Project, and the I-25 North Project. During the Highway 36 collapse in 2019, FODS mats were immediately deployed to begin reparations and demonstrates the versatility that is available with FODS reusable construction entrance. Our mats have also been used in notable locations including Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and Colorado School of Mines. Contractors, engineers, and inspectors have grown to trust FODS mats as an effective means to control trackout. 

Located in central Colorado, FODS LLC is proud to play a role in the protection of our state’s natural resources. FODS recyclable mats provide an environmentally friendly solution to trackout control with a service life of over 10 years. Our entry into the market marks a shift away from one-time use VTC towards reusable and sustainable alternatives. Protecting the environment is an effort that requires continuous innovation, and we are proud to bring these novel solutions to the table.

Please reach out to us for references or information about using FODS as your construction entrance in Colorado.

Additional Resources:

CDPHE COR400000 Construction Stormwater Permit

CDPHE Water Quality Construction Compliance Assistance and Guidance

CDPHE Water Quality Commerce And Industry Compliance Assistance And Guidance

CDOT Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide Chapter 5 Excerpt Section 23

CDOT Erosion Control & Stormwater Quality Guide Chapter 5

CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction

CDOT Construction Specifications

CDOT Construction Specifications Section 200 Erosion Control - 208(l) Vehicle Tracking Pad (VTP)

CDOT Construction Specifications Revisions

CDOT FODS Approved Product List Reference Number 3817-14

Notice to Contractors - Vehicle Tracking Control – Pre-Fabricated

EPA Colorado NPDES Permits

Submittal Package

Install Guide, Drawings and Specs.