Landfills & Industrial Sites
Industrial Site Trackout Requirements
Similar to construction projects, industrial sites such as landfills, transfer stations, recycling plants, stone quarries, and mining operations and manufacturing operations are subject to EPA stormwater pollution regulations. The NPDES permit program establishes a system to ensure proper protections are in place to prevent excessive sedimentation from occurring at industrial sites. One requirement of the NPDES permit program is to minimize soil tracked onto active roadways.
The specific NPDES requirements of industrial sites differ from construction projects. Many manufacturing, mining, and other industrial sites produce or process materials which are toxic to wildlife, so a highly effective trackout solution is required to contain sediments and contaminants on-site. Industrial site traffic routes can vary and change throughout operation as materials are delivered and processed over time. In addition, these sites are permanent or semi-permanent and require a durable and maintainable solution for trackout control. Some industrial access points are required over existing pavement and concrete as well as directly over grade. An ideal trackout control solution would address all of these requirements enabling operators to implement an effective and maintainable long term solution over any substrate.
Traditional Solutions
While traditional stone construction entrances are often used to contain sediment and contaminated debris on industrial sites exits, the long term application leave a number of challenges for site operators. The gravel systems require frequent top dressing with additional aggregate on a regular basis to maintain effectiveness. The entrances are not able to be moved to account for changing traffic patterns and can not be installed over existing pavement or concrete. For these reasons, industrial site operators often opt for alternate solutions to minimize trackout.
FODS Modern Industrial Site Trackout Control System
The FODS Trackout Control System is a modern BMP for vehicle tracking control that is well suited for permanent and semi-permanent industrial applications. In side by side comparisons with traditional rock tracking pads, FODS has been shown to reduce required street sweeping by 59% enabling more effective trackout control than traditional solutions. The system is a portable solution which can be installed and relocated and maintained without the use of heavy equipment or additional materials. Each of the pyramids on the surface of the mats can support 20,000 lbs. allowing the mats to support the weight of any highway vehicle or heavy equipment on site. The FODS system is designed to last for 10+ years of regular use. The FODS Trackout Control System can be anchored to both hardscape and directly on grade to provide a stabilized access point over nearly any substrate.
FODS Reusable Rockless Trackout Control System provide many advantages and benefits as a replacement to traditional stabilized rock entrances. These benefits make FODS an excellent fit for use in a wide range of landfill & waste projects, manufacturing, mining and material processing applications.

FODS applications:
Approach Roads & Entrances
Access roads to reception, weigh station, and internal site road junctions
Main internal and perimeter roads or haul roads to operational area and within the site activities
Temporary roads within the operational area where possible
Access Roads to the working face
Waste Transfer Stations
FODS Advantages:
More effective than traditional solutions at containing sediment.
Portable and easy to relocate as traffic patterns change.
Can be installed over any substrate including asphalt, concrete, and dirt.
Reduce construction entrance costs and maintenance.
More compact stabilized exit/entrance solution for waste transfer truck traffic.
Installation time as low as 30 minutes.
Reduces risk of aggregate from landfill construction entrances entering active roadway.
Helps prevent tracking of mud onto public roads, reduces fugitive dust, improves air quality to surrounding neighborhoods and communities.
Keep site roads clean improving stormwater quality and lessen maintenance for maximum use and minimum road maintenance.
Designed for 10+ years of use.
Both landfills and recycling plants often see high levels of traffic from a variety of vehicles including garbage trucks, haul trucks, and standard pickup trucks which are used to deliver material to the site.
Landfill Haul Roads
FODS Installed on landfill haul road to provide vehicle trackout control.
The haul roads on the site are occasionally rerouted when material builds in one location. While material is compacted or processed, new deliveries may need to be routed through another haul road. The haul roads are vital to ensuring that materials are accessible to the process. In many cases, operators implement trackout control mechanisms on these haul roads to prevent vehicle from tracking contaminated soil from interior haul roads onto active roadways. Haul roads may be permanent or temporary, and either paved or unpaved so a variety of trackout control solutions are used.
Recycling Plant Access Points
FODS installed on New York Recycling Plant to replace wheel wash. Read Case Study.
Similar to landfills, recycling plants are often taking in construction debris, hazardous compounds, and other materials which must be safely processed. To ensure that contaminants are not tracked out of the site on vehicle tires, site operators implement effective control mechanisms.
Landfill and Recycling Plant Trackout Control BMPs
Besides traditional aggregate entrances, landfills and recycling plants often use wheel wash stations to clean vehicle tires. These wheel wash stations require a water source, a power source and a proper sediment basin to capture run off.
Compared to traditional aggregate techniques, FODS Trackout Control Mats are both effective and portable allowing operators the flexibility to maintain proper erosion controls during changing traffic patterns.
The use of FODS on landfills and recycling plants has proven benefits to site operators. The portable system can be easily relocated and does not require a source of water or power to operate effectively. FODS replaced a wheel wash station on a New York Recycling Plant which resulted in significant reductions in maintenance costs while still providing a durable and portable track out solution.
Coal Ash Closures
FODS Trackout Control Mats Installed on Coal Ash Closure project in North Carolina.
The EPA has recently taken steps to manage the closure of approximately 500 unlined coal ash surface impoundments across the country that have been receiving coal ash and other coal combustions residuals (CCR). Coal Ash closures can take between 8 1- 10 years to complete and require a long term, effective construction entrance that can ideally be maintained without the need for additional materials to be shipped to the site.
The FODS Trackout Control System is ideal for remote projects all entrances can be shipped on a single truck and can be maintained on-site without additional materials. The mats can also be relocated throughout the project as the closure proceeds.
Rock Quarries
FODS installed at aggregate producer entrance / exit location to prevent trackout.
Quarries and other aggregate produces export raw and processed materials on trailers which are weighed on vehicle scales before leaving the site. One common issue that operators face is debris, rocks, and other aggregates becoming lodged or wedged in the scales preventing accurate readings. Aggregate tracking pads which are often used to prevent vehicle trackout can create additional work for site crews as they clean the scales.
FODS Trackout Control System is ideal for rock quarry applications as the system is designed to dislodge debris and aggregate from vehicle tires. The mats can be positioned before the scales to avoid introducing aggregate and debris into the scale area. In addition, the exiting vehicles are able to remove sediment and debris from their tires and minimize trackout onto public roads.
Manufacturing Plants
FODS installed over pavement on steel manufacturing plant.
Manufacturing and material processing sites are another high traffic volume permanent application. The that are often installed over existing pavement or concrete. The FODS trackout control system can be installed over a variety of substrates including pavement, concrete and dirt enabling site operators to mitigate trackout on access roads or at site exits.
Manufacturing applications often involve heavy equipment to exit the site on access roads to transport materials. The FODS Trackout Control can support over 20,000 lbs. per pyramid and well over 1,000,000 lbs. per mat. This trackout control solution does not become compacted over heavy use and support the weight of loaded haul trucks and heavy equipment that may need to exit the site.
Industrial Site Trackout Control
FODS Trackout Control Mat System. Learn More.
The FODS Vehicle Trackout Control System is ideal for permanent and semi-permanent applications which require effective sediment and debris containment. High volume industrial sites such as mine sites, processing plants, and manufacturing plants can benefit from the effective and durable design while maintaining the flexibility to respond to changing site requirements.
Contact us to learn more about how FODS Trackout Control Mats can be used to minimize trackout on your industrial site and stay compliant with NPDES permit requirements.