Aviation construction
FODS Trackout Control System is fast becoming the new industry standard construction entrance when it comes to STOPPING aviation construction site TRACKOUT.
The FODS Reusable Rockless Construction Entrance provides many advantages and benefits as a replacement to traditional stabilized construction rock entrances or rumble plates. These benefits make FODS an excellent fit for use on a wide range of aviation projects, environments, and customers.
A smart ROI, low long term cost, meets minimum entrance width requirements
Provides an anchored compact stable exit/entrance for airport construction traffic
Quick and easy to install, move, remove, relocate and reuse in under 30 minutes
Alleviates risk management associated with airside and landside construction entrances, and prevents FOD damage to aircraft and airport equipment
Helps inhibit tracking of FOD onto runways and tarmacs, reduces fugitive dust, sediment erosion and runway storm water runoff
Is versatile and be anchored to any substrate including concrete, pavement, asphalt, etc.
Longevity: Designed for over ten years of use.
FODS mats are also used on access roads to prevent FOD from being tracked in from highways and external roads. Click here for FOD Prevention Mats.

Stabilized Construction Entrance during the expansion project at Denver International Airport in Denver, CO
With increased demand for states and airport authorities worldwide to transform and renovate aging infrastructure, expand airfields and enhance terminal capacity, FODS Reusable Construction Entrances are ideal to help expedite large-scale airport projects - all while maintaining operational safety of aircraft and vehicular traffic movements, critical aircraft rescue and recovery routes, and site cleanliness.
Virtually all airport projects are likely to create a FOD (foreign object debris) problem.
FOD can cause severe damage to aircraft and airport equipment. Loose debris and unprotected granular materials exposed to engine and/or jet blast can be sucked into aircraft engines or cause damage to tires. Damage to aircraft can lead to expensive repairs, flight delays and compromised safety of the flying public as well as airline employees and operations personnel.
Careful attention must be paid to debris that can be either tracked out by vehicles from the job site onto an operating surface or can blown onto the airside. Construction contracts must include FOD control and monitoring management plans. The cost of work stoppage and of any remedial measures can be incurred by the contractor and airport operators will promptly shut down a violating job site until satisfactory FOD control is in place. The FAA requires daily checks for FOD (foreign object debris).
As a result, contractors are choosing FODS Trackout Control versus traditional stabilized rock construction entrances. Rock trackouts can be dangerous, often leave sediment on tires which tracks all over runways and tarmacs, cannot be moved or reused, need continual refreshment and take extra time to dig out at the termination of the project.
With FODS Trackout Control Systems you have an instant construction entrance. There is no rock, no mud build up and no rock compaction or trackout.
During your construction phasing and safety planning, consider FODS tracking pads for your next international airport project. Our entrances outperform and outlast traditional riprap entrances, keeping FOD off runways, and away from aircraft equipment.
Local Airport project deadlines are enough to worry about. Why not use an entrance that is quick and easy?
Our trackout control systems are instant and help you meet your project deadlines, and airside construction entrance BMP requirements while adequately protecting the edges of taxiways and aprons during the course of the work. Our FODS mats can be installed manually with two to three laborers in under 30 minutes - helping you save on labor and your bottom line.
Each FODS trackout mat spans 12’ wide across the entrance and 7’ long in the direction of travel. Typical FODS TC-1 consists of four mats placed end to end, or a five mat T-shape with a single travel lane and two mats closest landside entrance areas.
Entrance configurations are limitless and will conform to meet your airport entrance plan detail.
Contact FODS at 844-200-3637 or info@getfods.com for a SWPPP entrance layout plan pdf.
“It's (FODS) a simple device that offers another opportunity to reduce debris onto the airport environment. The device consists of a series of mats that all vehicles entering the airfield will drive across. The simple act of driving across these mats will cause the tires to flex, helping to remove FOD from the tread of the tires. At the same time, it creates a slight vibration to loosen anything that may be on the undercarriage of the vehicle.”
- Chennault International Airport
Stabilized Construction Exit at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, AZ
We offer a competitive entrance solution for both short and long term, large and small-scale GA construction projects.
At GA airports, projects tend towards the evolution of the physical plant of the airfield itself, with maintenance and repair of existing runways, taxiways, and apron areas, which are often extensive projects. Much like commercial airports, larger GA airports usually add amenities like additional hangar space and upgraded facilities to allow more types of aircraft in an effort to gain regional competitive advantages.
Our FODS entrances offer a compact solution that can be anchored into any substrate with form stake or concrete sleeve expandable anchor. Excavation of pre-existing soil is not necessary, but the ground should be free and clear of obstacles.
Whether you are replacing or repaving a runway, expanding your terminal or trying to prevent FOD from entering active taxiways or leaving landside construction entrances, FODS Reusable Construction Entrance is an excellent choice for your next general aviation construction project.
Request a quote for your entrance today at 844-200-3637.
Proven to reduce airfield construction site trackout, while adhering to BMP, FODS Trackout Mats can be effectively and efficiently installed on Cargo Service airports grounds ensuring on time transportation of cargo and shipments while construction is taking place. Reusable Trackout Control unobstructs airport traffic and minimizes the dispersion of dust and particulate matter.
FODS Construction Entrances are durable, yet flexible and can disperse 80 tons of pressure with no signs of wear.
As heavy construction equipment travel along the entrance lane, FODS pyramids work to actively open tire treads and cause the vehicle to vibrate simultaneously. What’s left behind in the base of the mats is easy to maintain. FOD can also be cleaned out in a matter of minutes with a skidsteer and broom attachment, or FODS shovel.
Contractors are making the switch to FODS Reusable Construction Entrances for multiple rapid installation, easy-to-move airside entrances.
With enhanced trackout performance, durabily, and cost-effectiveness for multiple applications and multiple types of airports, FODS Trackout Control Device can be reused on many different types of airport projects.