CalTrans I-10 Tune Up Project Uses FODS TC-1 BMP
Lane-Security Paving Joint venture installs FODS Reusable Construction Entrance BMP on CalTrans Landmark $1.5 Billion Dollar, 33 mile Interstate 10 Corridor Project
Analysis of serious traffic congestion and a projected population increase of 30% by 2035 necessitated a massive overhaul of Interstate 10 through the San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties in southern California. The San Bernardino Freeway (I-10) is the fourth largest national east-west interstate freeway that provides access to the Los Angeles Central Business District from the San Gabriel Valley, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Interstate 10 is a major trucking artery linking southern California with the rest of the United States and services 265,000 drivers daily. To manage congestion and population impact, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in conjunction with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) contracted Lane-Security Paving Joint Venture to complete the $1.5 billion dollars overhaul to Interstate 10.
The I-10 Corridor Project included realignment of existing ramps on 10 interchanges, modification of 7 local arterials, and 26 structures, box culverts, new or reconstructed retaining walls and sound walls, 18 bridges, 18 bridge widenings and 78,601 feet of new drainage. Addiitionally, the project incorporated the Regional Integration of Intelligent Transportation Systems (RIITS) Program of Metro - a fiber optic communications system, CCTV, CMS, updated loop detectors, and ramp metering to transmit freeway and arterial traffic and transit information with local agencies, traffic/transit management agencies and traffic information purveyors. All major highways and local roads in the corridor were signal synchronized and networked with the planned Transportation Management Centers.
Culminating in 2023, the overhaul is beginning its final phase. Security Paving is assisting with the conversion of 11 miles of two High Occupency Vehicle (HOV) Lanes into High Occupancy Toll (HOT) express lanes in both directions from the Los Angeles/San Bernardino County line to the I-10/I-15 interchange, installation of toll lanes and construction of pedestrian bridges. The HOV lanes had reached capacity (1,850 vehicles per lane per hour) losing speed advantages and the new express lanes will provide sustainability for long-term congestion management, improved air quality and faster travel times.
TC-1 Construction Entrance On CalTrans I-10 Project In Los Angeles, California
CHALLENGE - TC-1 Construction Entrances
During the project, Lane-Security Paving Joint Venture faced an accelerated schedule without interruption to freeway capacity. Entrances needed to be compact and mobile to move as the project advanced along interstate 10. Over two million tons of earth were moved during the project increasing the risk of safety hazards and possibilites of construction debris tracked out onto the busy interstate, and particles released into the air as dust and as stormwater pollution. Contractors needed to implement measures to reduce construction- related effects minimizing and mitigating environmental impact to areas surrounding the freeway.
SOLUTION - Portable, Reusable, Rockless BMP
FODS offers contractors with a cost-effective Reusable Construction Entrance solution that is compact, mobile, and anchors to any substrate, including asphalt and concrete. Mats contains pyramids that clean tires in three ways: through wedging, compression, and stretching, without damage to the tire. As tires travel over the top inch of the pyramids, loosened debris collects into the base of each successive mat. FODS can be placed and configured to any entrance detail. Installation can be completed in under 30 minutes and does not require refreshment. Mats can be cleaned in a matter of minutes with multiple methods such as an angled broom attachment or FODS Shovel. As the I-10 Corridor project nears completion and the Express Lane phase progresses, over a hundred FODS mats continue to assist Lane-Security Paving Joint Venture with an expedited construction access that traps construction sediment on site and meets environmental and stormwater quality regulations.

Based in Englewood Colorado, FODS Trackout Control System replaces ineffective and costly traditional rock stabilized construction entrances, saving you valuable time and money. Our proprietary mat design works to effectively remove mud and sediment from your vehicle tires without damaging the tire or the ground’s surface. We provide the only durable, reusable, and environmentally friendly trackout control system currently available on the market. FODS Trackout Control Mats are 100% Made in the USA and are reusable and recyclable.