The FODS Trackout Control Mats provide many advantages and benefits as a replacement to traditional stabilized construction entrances. These benefits make FODS an excellent fit for use in a wide range of industries, environments, and customers.
Cities around the world continue to expand and often, this expansion is upward. As more and more construction projects take place in crowded urban environments, with limited space for a long stabilized construction entrance, a compact FODS construction entrance can be an excellent choice to solve this problem.
On urban projects, the construction entrance exits directly onto busy city streets and sidewalks, where the tracking of dirt, mud, and rock can instantly affect traffic and/or pollute stormwater runoff. The use of traditional tracking pads requires frequent maintenance and introduces aggragate which can cause roadway hazards to pedestrians and vehicles.
To eliminate these concerns, many of the largest builders and general contractors are turning to FODS to address stabilized construction entrance, vehicle tracking control pads, or TC-1 issues, and prevent construction site trackout. The use of trackout control mats reduces roadway hazards and requires less maintenance than traditional systems. Implementing safe and effective trackout systems is essential to keeping urban projects safe and compliant.
The civil and heavy construction sector has been one of the largest users of the FODS Trackout Control Mats. FODS understands that civil and heavy construction projects demand quality and innovative products. FODS offers rapid installation to ensure on-time project completion and within budget.
Highway projects are often completed in phases and require the mobilization of equipment throughout the project. Valuble time is spent repeating the process of installing and removing rock construction entrances during each phase. In contract, FODS trackout mats are versatile, reusable and can be quickly deployed on any substrate. They are particularly well suited for highway projets as the mats can be moved to each new location as the job procees reducing both the cost and time required to implement trackout control BMPs.
FODS trackout control mats are capabaple of providing trackout control for any size vehicles. Standard highway vehicles or larger off highway vehicles can use the mats as each mat can support over 2 million pounds. Heavy traffic projects benefit from the ease of maintenance as the mats do not degrade over time. Cleaning the mats completely restores the performance of the system even on muddy construction sites. With FODS reusable trackout mats, contractors are better prepared to address all potential site conditions which can help to prevent fines and downtime.
FODS durability, ease of use and effectiveness, have proven to be the best replacement for traditional stabilized construction entrances on many of the largest construction projects throughout the United States.
Energy production takes crews to all corners of the world. FODS Trackout Control System is the environmentally friendly, effective trackout control mat which keep production crews in compliance with state, local, and federal storm water protection and trackout control regulation.
With the stabilized construction entrance often only required for 3-6 months on new oil well sites, the ability to reuse the mats over their 10 year expected service life provides unprecedented value. In addition, the ability to install and remove the FODS Trackout Control System in less than an hour, allows contractors to easily adapt the system when changing egress points throughout the project.
FODS mats are a low maintenance solution to trackout and only require a quick cleaning to complely restore to working condition. Either using a FODS shovel or a skid steer with a brush attachment, sediment is removed when 2.5” builds up between the pyramids. Compared to traditional systems, the mats provide a more effective solution to trackout control in all weather conditions which can increase compliance and reduce delays.
With a 10yr+ product life, provides an excellent ROI for Oil & Gas Energy Firms while keeping sites in compliance.
Selecting the right reusable rockless residential stabilized construction entrance is crucial to your project timeline and budget. Reduce the time spent refreshing and redressing your aggregate tracking pads by switching to FODS rockless trackout control mats. A simple cleaning is all you need to restore the mats after they become saturated with sediment.
With any land disturbing activities greater than one acre such as subdividing land into plots and preparing sites for new construction, General Contractors must apply for permits and submit a plan containing a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). A SWPPP will outline the various best management practices (BMPs) used throughout the project including Trackout Control (TC-1) and/or erosion and sediment control plans (ESC). FODS are a simple alternative to aggregate or riprap entrances, rumble plates, and can be easily moved from residence plot to residence plot or used for an entire subdivision or land development entrance.
The trackout mats can be installed on any substrate and do not require excvation prior to use. FODS mats are 7’x12’ and can be easliy transported in a utility trailer.
Easy to Install & Remove, Use & Maintain, Relocate & Reuse.
FODS entrances minimize time, long term costs, rock waste, and stormwater pollution.
Stabilized exit install at landfill egress in North Carolina. Sediment is captured in the voids between pyramids. Vehicles tires ride on the tips of the pyramids are deformed to allow debris stuck in the tire tread to break loose.
A single landfill can be used by hundreds of commercial vehicles and transfer trucks each day. Sediment carried out onto impermeable surfaces and roadways can be washed down storm drains to nearby rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Studies have shown that sedimentation can significant effects on aquatic life including clogging fish gills, lowering growth rates, and affecting aquatic egg and larvae development. In addition, harmful chemicals may be contained in the sediment which can cause further damage. For this reason, industrial sites are required to obtain a stormwater discharge permit and implement measures to contain contaminants.
Landfill operation also generates nonstop changes in the contours of the facility culminating in changing patterns of stormwater run-on and runoff. Runoff containing suspended sediment and other improperly dumped materials, may multiply the pollutant load released into receiving waters. Landfill operators face controlling erosion of landfill slopes as a result of material and cell expansion, storage, and other activities at industrial facilities.
Landfills, industrial waste facilities and other point sources of stormwater pollution are required to have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention plan that outlines Best Management Practices (BMP) used to contain contaminated material and pollutants within the site. FODS Reusable Construction Mats provide a long term stabilized entrance for landfills and industrial waste facilities and require less maintenance and repairs compared to other solutions. Our mats meet SWPPP requirements and effectively contain pollutants on site.
Safety is our number one priority at your airport.
With large-scale airport runway and terminal projects including demolition and recycling of runway and taxi pavement, loose dirt and debris pose a significant risk when it comes to the safety of your airport, ground transportation, and airline personnel.
Foreign object debris (FOD) accounts for over $4 billion in damages annually to aircraft and airport equipment and the FAA requires daily FOD inspections.
In order to maintain aircraft traffic movements on active airfields, critical aircraft rescue and recovery routes and meet FAA FOD regulations, construction companies with expedited expansion projects are turning to FODS for rapid installation and easily movable entrances at all airside service access points.
FODS Trackout Control Exits can be installed, removed, and relocated in under 30 minutes, and keep tarmacs and runways clear of FOD, and away from aircraft and airport equipment.
FODS Reusable Construction Entrances lessen the number of related accidents around airports, and save airports and airlines thousands in annual materials and damage costs.
Effective FOD management on airfields is critical to the safety of travelers and airline personnel. FOD Prevention Plans are put in place to identify and mitigate FOD sources before they reach runways and taxiways. FOD Prevention Plans encompass a wide scope of techniques that are used throughout the apron, access roads and more.
FOD techniques include training, observation routines, reminder posters, processes to contain fugative debris, communication systems and processes, and various technology to identify and contain FOD on the airfield. FOD walks are routinely completed to check for FOD on the runways and taxiways. Technology such as radars are used to identify FOD and help workers to eliminate and reduce Foreign Objects & Debris on the airfield. Employees and contractors are trained on FOD prevention procedures before commending employment or work on airports to ensure they are familiar with routines and procedures related to FOD management.
Many FOD management products and procedures are reactive because they address FOD that is already on the airfield. FOD Prevention Mats are used to stop debris before it can cause a problem. FOD Prevention mats are used on critical FOD zones where vehicles entering from external roadways intersect taxiways. Foreign Objects & Debris that is brought in from external sources can be deposited directly into the path of aircraft on the taxiways. Manual inspections or “FOD checks” are often used to mitigate this source of debris. When FOD Prevention Mats are used FOD checks can be effectively automated to ensure 100% compliance without additional delays or training. Vehicles simply drive over the mats as they enter the gate.