

Ohio Construction Entrance BMP

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Division of Surface Waters (DSW) administers the Clean Water Act (CWA) throughout the state. The DSW issues all Surface Water Permits including stormwater discharge permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). According to the Ohio Storm Water Program Fact Sheet, “There are two storm water permit application options for industrial and construction activities in Ohio. The first is to submit an individual NPDES permit application. The second is to file a Notice of Intent (NOI) form requesting coverage under a general permit. The general permit process is usually easier and faster than the individual permit process.” 

In addition to the general Ohio regulations, operator in specific watersheds are subject to additional measures to protect these sensitive areas. Refer to the Ohio General Permit (OHC000005) Appendicies which contain additional watershed specific requirements for construction activities located partially or fully within the Big Darby Creek Watershed and portions of the Olentangy River Watershed..


Construction site operators must submit an NOI and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) and wait for approval before beginning operations. 

To obtain a Storm Water Discharge General Permit (OHC000005) contractors will create a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) which identifies the person responsible for ensuring pollution control measures are implemented on the project. The SWP3 also must contain a site map which identifies potential pollution sources and Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be used to mitigate pollution.

One of the first BMPs to be implemented on all construction projects is a Construction Entrance. A construction entrance is designed to reduce the mud tracked off-site with construction traffic. Technical details about BMPs including construction entrances are listed in the Rainwater and Land Development Manual.


Guidelines and techniques for implementing stabilized construction entrances are listed in Chapter 7 Section 4 of the manual. The manual describes a traditional construction entrance that is composed of a “stabilized pad of stone underlain with a geotextile.” The stabilized pad must incorporate at least 6 inches depth of stone and if the entrance is used for heavy duty loads, the depth should be increased to 10 inches. Stabilized Stone pads should be at least 14 feet wide and 70 feet long (30 feet long for access to individual house lot). To avoid runoff from entering roadways, additional measures should also be incorporated to divert runoff to a sediment basin or contained within the job site.

Maintaining a stabilized stone entrance is required when the stone becomes compacted or sediment builds up between the rocks. When sediment is built up on the stone pad, the surface is no longer rough and will not provide adequate reduction in vehicle trackout. Maintaining a stone entrance involves periodic top dressing with additional stone or washing and reworking of exiting stone if feasible.

If a stone tracking pad is not sufficient to remove the majority of mud from vehicle tires, contractors may be required to install additional sediment control measures such as a wheel wash. Wheel wash systems spray pressurized water onto vehicle tires to remove sediment, and contractors must ensure proper containment is implemented for sediment laden water. Using a wheel wash is an effective way to address trackout however using water in cold weather can create icy conditions.

FODS Reusable Construction Entrance Mats offer an alternative method to minimize mud leaving industrial construction sites which can perform in all weather conditions. FODS mats are designed to be used as a standalone solution that is easily installed and maintained without heavy equipment, and can also be reused for over ten years.


FODS Trackout Control System a modular system of 12’ x 7’ mats that are linked together with connecting hardware and anchored on the ground. The mats can be installed without excavation and over a variety of substrates including soil and asphalt. Installation, relocation, maintenance and even removal can all be completed without heavy equipment.

Because FODS Construction Entrance System does not use water, the system is safe to use in cold weather without producing icy road conditions. FODS mats are also rockless and eliminate the danger of aggregate getting stuck between dual tires and large tire tread which can be expelled at high speeds. No rocks are used in the construction entrance, so there is no chance that fugitive aggregate will make its way onto the active roadways.

FODS are built with duability and simple maintainability in mind. The tops of the composite mats are formed into pyramids which deform vehicle tires and effectively remove sediment stuck inside tire tread. The pyramids simulate the rough surface that is provided with stone tracking pads but do not compact or degrade over time. The base of the pyramids acts as a void to catch debris, so deposited sediment does not come into contact with other vehicles. When sediment builds up to the tops of the pyramids (2.5” - 3” of sediment), the mats can be easily cleaned with a FODS shovel or sweeper to restore functionality.

The FODS Reusable Construction Entrance incorperates an effective design which can be used to completely replace stone entrances. A common layout is a 1x5T which is arranged in a “T” shape to provide a wide turning radius. FODS entrances typically use 4 - 8 mats depending on conditions and expected traffic volume. These configurations provide between 28’ and 56’ of linear distance. Because FODS are more effective than traditional stone entrances, the standard 1x5T layout ( 35’ long ) is commonly used to replace a 70’ stone construction entrance.

A key advantage of FODS construction entrance is that the mats can be easily relocated throughout various phases of a construction project. Engineered to be extremely durable, FODS mats are designed for 10+ years of service life.

Additional Resources:

Ohio EPA Technical Rainwater and Land Development Handbook Section 7.4 Excerpt

Ohio EPA Technical Rainwater and Land Development Handbook Section 7

Ohio EPA Technical Rainwater and Land Development Handbook

Ohio DOT Construction Administration Manuals

Ohio DOT Construction Administration Erosion Control Manual

Recommended Layout: 1x5T

Additional Drawings

EPA Ohio NPDES Permits

Submittal Package

Install Guide, Drawings and Specs.