FODS is a better way to STOP energy access road construction TRACKOUT.
The FODS Reusable Rockless Access Construction Entrances provide many advantages and benefits as a replacement to traditional stabilized construction rock entrances. These benefits make FODS an excellent fit for use in a wide range of energy construction projects, facilities, environments, and customers.
Low long term cost, easily and rapidly installed, moved, removed and reused
Help prevent tracking of mud onto public roadways, reducing fugitive dust, and clogged storm sewers
Compact entrance and reduces surface impact
Minimizes damage and inconveniences to landowners of leased extraction sites
Provide stable exit/entrance for access road construction traffic and individual industrial facilities
Is versatile and be anchored to any substrate including concrete, pavement, asphalt, etc.
Designed for over ten years of use.

Energy extraction is a complicated process, and what you see out on the roads can give you a lot of insight into what’s occurring on nearby extraction sites or in facilities. With FODS you won’t be able to tell what’s occurring on nearby extraction sites or in facilities.
FODS ensures that energy extraction activities comply with strict environmental Local, State, and Federal regulations Best Management Practices and SWPPP Plans, controlling trackout and debris from leaving extraction sites and entering public roadways and storm water runoff.
FODS provides many advantages as a reusable rock-less replacement that outperforms and outlasts traditional stabilized extraction entrances.
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Weld County, CO.
During the initial stage of site prep, operators address clearing, determine routes, grading, gravel, drainage, erosion control measures and well road access.
It is during this initial stage that FODS Trackout Control Mats can be set up in any configuration and can be used as an erosion control measure and stabilized entrance in place of traditional entryway aggregate for heavy equipment trackout.
As a compact entrance, FODS eliminates the need for a long access road intersection onto public roadways.
In most cases, No Excavation of Existing Soil is Needed minimizing damage and inconveniences to landowners of leased extraction sites.
Additionally, FODS Mats meet minimum access road requirement width and can be easily removed and relocated at the termination of the project.
Environmental protection inspectors monitor and make sure that extraction sites adhere to requirements, and FODS can help you adhere to these strict regulations.
FRACKing Sites
FODS durability, ease of use and effectiveness have been proven as an outstanding replacement for traditional stabilized entrances on many of the largest fracking projects in the United States.
FODS Mats can be used as a temporary fracking Trackout Control Entrance to fracking site pads. The FODS Trackout Control Entrance can be arranged into any configuration and can be customized for site location and purpose.
FODS Mats can easily support movement of drill rig and various site equipment as well over a million passes of water, sand, cement, fuel, liquid, solid waste truck trips, and vehicles with a HS-25 rating.
FODS Trackout Control Mats has proven performance with over 250,000lbs on a single mat. Each pyramid can support 20,000 lbs. of pressure. FODS Mats are built to last 10+ years and are 15 times more abrasion resistant than steel.
FODS can eliminate liability of rocks being displaced on public roads, dust control, and reduced overall surface impact.
FODS delivers the promised benefits of a cost effective, rapid installation, reusable, and durable environmental entrance to mineral extracting sites.
Range Resources Corporation used FODS mats as a temporary construction entrance to their fracking site pad Marcellus Shale Formation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Liquefied Natural Gas Facility in Cameron Parish, Louisiana.
Natural gas is the world’s fastest growing energy source through the Year 2040, and is often located in remote areas taking energy production crews to all corners of the world.
FODS understands that natural gas projects demand quality and innovative products, and an effective solution to ensure on time and within budget projects, while reducing erosion, sedimentation, damage and contamination from soil-disturbing operations to a natural gas extraction area.
FODS can be used in Erosion and Sediment Control Plans accompanying applications for well work permits.
During the transport of natural gas to power plants, industrial facilities and liquefaction facilities for treatment and processing, heavy equipment vehicles travel in and out of facilities and plants creating a disturbance to the land.
FODS Trackout Control System is an environmentally friendly Trackout System that combats disturbance to the land and helps plants and facilities comply with state, local, and federal storm water protection and trackout control regulations.
Solar Farms
Solar Farms are commonly located in remote areas where large arrays can be installed. Operators will decide which erosion control BMPs will be both effective and practical for construction as well as permanent measures that will remain during operation.
FODS Trackout Control System can be efficiently transported to remote areas, and the system does not require additional material to be shipped throughout the project for maintenance. Because the entrance can be fully maintained on-site, the FODS construction entrance is ideal for remote projects where shipping frequent loads of aggregate is not ideal. When construction is complete, FODS mats are often installed on-site as a permanent entrance for maintenance crews.
FODS Construction Entrance Installed at Solar Farm entrance leading to paved roadway.