FODS Trackout Control System is fast becoming the new industry standard construction entrance when it comes to STOPPING highway, bridge & heavy civil construction site TRACKOUT.
The FODS Reusable Rockless Construction Entrance provides many advantages and benefits as a replacement to traditional stabilized construction rock entrances. These benefits make FODS an excellent fit for use on a wide range of highway, bridge & heavy civil development projects, environments, and customers.
A smart ROI, low long term cost, and meets minimum entrance width requirements
Provides an anchored compact stable exit/entrance for construction traffic
Easily and rapidly installed in under 30 minutes, moved, removed, relocated and reused
Alleviates risk management associated with construction entrances
Helps prevent tracking of mud onto roadways, reduces fugitive dust, sediment erosion and storm water runoff
Is versatile and be anchored to any substrate including concrete, pavement, asphalt, etc.
Designed for over ten years of use.

HIGHWAY projects
Compact, Quick to Install & Remove, Use & Maintain, Relocate & Reuse
With the booming population, transportation construction industry professionals are always looking for different ways to enhance efficiency, especially when it comes to a reusable compact entry that does not disrupt traffic flow patterns, maintains construction traffic entering and exiting a site, prevents fines, meets minimum entrance requirements, and eliminates track out.
Due to high construction site traffic volume during demolition, reconstruction improvements and expansion of bridge, highway and heavy civil project phasing, many contractors choose FODS Reusable Rockless Stabilized Construction Entrances, as a better alternative to ineffective riprap, and other traditional stabilized construction entrance methods.
Each individual FODS 12’ x 7’ trackout mat is constructed from a durable high density polyethylene and is capable of displacing and distributing 80 tons of heavy equipment traffic weight entering and exiting the construction sites.
FODS construction entrances will last throughout all phases of your bridge, highway and heavy civil project(s) with minimal entrance maintenance required. The expected lifespan of our mats is ten plus years so it is a smart return on your investment.
Our exits minimize time, long term costs, rock waste, sediment storm water runoff pollution, and track out.
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Denver, Colorado.
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Castle Rock, Colorado.
Quality Time-Saving & A Sustainable ROI
FODS Trackout Control System ensures that your interstate project is handled in a cost efficient and sustainable way.
Interstate Construction Entrances sometimes require a short entry or exit lane. Riprap is not an effective choice as rock trackout can become projectiles for passing motorists. FODS compact reusable exits decrease environmental impact and helps mitigate work zone track out hazards from construction equipment entering and exiting the interstate construction site. Trackout will not leave the construction lanes.
FODS mats can be easily removed, moved, transported, and relocated throughout the duration of your interstate project.
FODS vehicle tracking pads are easy to configure and cuts down on time, labor costs, and disposal of rip rap and other construction site waste at the termination of each phase of your project.
Our mats can be reused on multiple future interstate projects and have a projected lifespan of 10+ years.
freeway projects
Engineered Durability & Built to Last
Our system of mats have been engineered to handle the heaviest use in the construction industry.
Breaking ground on a freeway construction site requires excavation, grading and compaction with heavy equipment. This process creates major sediment trackout concerns.
The light weight nature and ease of transport of FODS allows excavation crews to quickly and easily install and relocate the FODS construction entrance during the phasing of the construction process.
It is important to keep sediment on site, rather than tracked out onto the freeway where it can contaminate waters and storm water runoff.
FODS compact reusable exits will minimize and eliminate trackout.
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Phoenix, Arizona.
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Tampa, Florida.
bridge projects
Versatile Easy & Reliable Performance
Many bridge projects use an accelerated building construction method.
As a bridge is being constructed and equipment moves along the length of the bridge, FODS entrances can be easily moved along the length of the bridge from construction site entrance to construction site entrance.
FODS offers an accelerated installation and removal process. In minutes, FODS Trackout Control System can be laid end to end, connected together with steel hardware and can be configured to any entrance layout.
FODS Reusable Rockless Construction Exits effectively reduces trackout and sediment from leaving a bridge construction site, and can be installed on a wide range of substrates including soil, asphalt, and concrete.
FODS Vehicle Tracking Pads offer a compact versatile construction entrance.
Heavy Civil pRojects
Civil Construction Sites are constantly changing, and government entities work with multiple cities to uphold their responsibility to operate environmentally friendly and safe construction sites that avoid the headache, expenses, and public disappointment which can occur from construction site track out onto public roads or contamination of storm water.
Traditional rock stabilized construction entrances using fabric and aggregate deteriorate as vehicles move across the entrance. Over time, fabric becomes ineffective and riprap gets tamped down and embedded with trackout. Mud builds up and ends up off site.
FODS combats trackout before it can leave the site, has proven performance out in the field and is currently in use on many highway, bridge and heavy civil projects worldwide ranging from North America to Europe to Australia.
Choose FODS Reusable Construction Entrance for your next highway, bridge & heavy civil development project.
Contact our team of professionals for specifications, information, and a quote at 844-200-3637 or email us at info@getfods.com
Stabilized Construction Entrance in Seattle, Washington