FODS Reusable Rockless Construction Entrance BMP at SESWA, October 9-11, Chatanooga, Tenessee

The 14th Annual Regional Stormwater Conference is at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown in Chattanooga, Tennessee on October 9-11, 2019. Local, state and federal stormwater managers and regulators, developers and land use planners, civil/environmental engineers and landscape architects, environmental professionals and consultants, environmentalists and interested citizens attend the only regional conference focused solely on stormwater education and challenges that confront stormwater professionals in the public and private sectors.  

Communities throughout the Southeast face a need to efficiently manage their stormwater infrastructure to comply with NPDES regulations, respond to demands for improved water quality and flooding concerns, and ensure the long-term functionality of stormwater drainage system assets.

Construction site trackout of mud, dirt, and other debris causes both environmental concerns of mud entering the stormwater system and a safety concern from mud and rocks being deposited on public roads.

FODS Reusable Rockless Composite Trackout Control Mats offer multiple advantages compared to traditional rock stabilized construction entrances. Unlike traditional construction site entrances installed using geo-synthetic fabric and rocks, composite trackout mats like FODS won’t lose their effectiveness in comparison to traditional rock entrances where aggregate gets tamped down and embedded in the earth from extremely heavy vehicles driving across the entrance.

FODS mats are easy to install, remove, relocate and can be set up in less than 30 minutes. FODS Mats can be configured for multiple entrance grids and layouts. Mats are connected with steel hardware and can be anchored to any substrate. Mats are 12 feet wide, and 7 feet long in the direction of travel. The staggered placement of the pyramids pry open tire lugs and cause mud to fall and collect directly into the mats before it can leave a construction site. It will not enter public roadways or stormwater runoff. FODS mats are made from a durable high density polyethylene and can withstand weight in excess of 80 tons per mat. FODS mats will last ten plus years and can be reused on multiple projects.

Call us today to find out more information at 844-200-3637 or email us for a free estimate at


Amy Austin