The All-Weather Solution For Construction Trackout
Preparing Job Sites For Winter
Industrial plant and construction site operators across the country are preparing for the winter months ahead. The colder temperature brings wet weather, muddy site conditions, and icy road conditions. Effective construction entrance BMPs are critical to maintaining job site access, compliance and safety.
Rainy weather can cause severe rutting. Construction Entrances need frequent maintenance to provide stability to vehicles accessing the job site.
Mud, Ice, Rutting & Road Hazards
Maintaining construction access through the winter presents additional challenges for contractors. The increased rain and snow melt softens soil and causes rock entrances to quickly degrade. Saturated or compacted entrances require additional stone to restore effectiveness. In the winter months, contractors must regularly add rock to stay compliant. The rock used on entrances must also be removed during final stabilization.
Icy road conditions can prevent the use water based cleaning systems. Sites with high traffic volume often employ wheel wash systems to clean tires, but switch to alternative BMPs durning the winter months.
On high traffic volume projects, contractors may opt for using wheel wash systems to minimize trackout. Wheel wash systems use high pressure water to clean tires reduce trackout. The contaminated is cleaned and recycled or discharged on-site to prevent contamination. In the winter months, water tracked from wheel wash systems can create a sheet of ice contributing to hazardous icy road conditions. Contractors must take preventative measures to address this issue or choose an alternative solution during the cold season. As the winter months approach, operators continue to look for methods to improve safety and minimize trackout.
FODS used on British Columbia construction entrance in wet weather conditions. Sometimes called plastic rumble plates, FODS construction entrance mats use pyramids which both dislodge and trap debris from vehicle tires.
The All-Season Trackout Control System
The winter-ready FODS Construction Entrance is a true all-season trackout control system. The pyramids on the mats do not flatten or compact as with traditional rock entrances. In wet conditions, FODS trackout mats continue to perform with standard maintenance procedures. In addition, FODS is a rockless system and avoids the danger of rocks becoming lodged in dual tire vehicles.
As a water free system, FODS mats do not contribute to ice formation on roadways. In high traffic, muddy excavation sites, FODS has been demonstrated to reduce street sweeping by 59% compared to traditional stone entrances. High traffic volume projects across the country continue to rely on the FODS reusable construction entrance as they move from site to site.
FODS are an all-weather construction entrance that is both effective and durable.