FODS at IEEE 14th International Conference on Transmission & Distribution Construction, Operation, & Live-Line Maintenance June 24-27th, Hyatt Regency, Columbus, Ohio


Utility companies are undergoing rapid change and growth, resulting in an urgent need for a more efficient use of resources in design, construction, and operation and maintenance of their facilities as well as new technologies out in the field.

FODS Trackout Control System, a construction entrance mat, is the leading offsite trackout control prevention system used by many energy and infrastructure industries.

FODS will be in attendance at the IEEE 14th International Conference on Transmission & Distribution Construction, Operation, and Live-Line Maintenance in Columbus, Ohio, June 24 thru June 27th.

The 14th International Conference on Transmission & Distribution Construction, Operation, & Live-Line Maintenance is designed to provide management, safety engineers and workers in the electric utility industry with technical paper presentations, panel sessions, utility field demonstrations, various work practices and equipment in action by utilities, contractors, helicopter operators and vendors.

FODS Trackout Control System is a resuable construction mat entrance that is extremely effective in the field at stopping dirt and debris from leaving an energy worksite and entering public roads. FODS mats meet SWPPP requirements. FODS mats are durable, made to last ten years plus, easy to install, remove, transport, and store.

Contact our team of specialists for specifications and further information at 844-200-3637 or email us at Our specialists will respond in 24 hours.
