FODS presents Cost-Effective Trackout Control Mat System at Erosion Control BMP Summit, Shasta College Redding, California, June 6-7, 2019


Are you looking for a way to stop mud and debris from leaving your construction site?

FODS is the best choice as a practical and cost-effective trackout control system. FODS mats help minimize sediment and other pollutants, commonly associated with construction activities, from entering stormwater runoff. FODS helps companies comply with Federal and State stormwater regulations. 

FODS is at The Erosion Control Summit June 6 -7. The Erosion Control Summit will educate attendees on How to SELECT BMPs, INSTALL, and INSPECT BMPs.

According to the CGP (CA General Permit) and other jurisdictions, the efficacy of the BMPs outlined in SWPPP will be evaluated by inspections before, during, and after a storm event. Projects that are going to disturb at least one acre of soil are required to have Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as part of the Construction General Permit requirements.

FODS Trackout Mats can be rapidly installed, configured, and removed, and provide the best temporary and/or permanent heavy construction entrance / TC-1. FODS Mats are durable, economical, reusable, easy to transport and to store.

FODS mats have been stress tested, with a crush rating of 20,000 lbs per pyramid and weights well over 80 tons per mat. Pyramids are designed to stretch the tire lug apart, causing debris and mud to be deposited directly into the mats. FODS stops mud from leaving worksites.

FODS mats can be used on multiple projects and will last over 10 years. FODS mats are 100% Made in the USA and 100% recyclable.

For more information and specifications, contact our team of specialists at 844-200-3637 or
